Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Alzheimer Prevention; Diet; Healthy Tips; Light; Einstein

Lots of violent thunderstorms all day.  Serves us right for having such hot weather.

Digging through lots and lots of records, I found a Philander Gifford who wrote "The Logbook of the Ship Addison."  This was a New Bedford whaling ship.  I'm hoping that this Philander Gifford is my biological father.  Time will tell.

Here is some more stuff from the latest Readers Digest.

Alzheimer Prevention

Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD has spent a lot of time studying the meditative tradition called Kirtan Kriya.  He believes that 12 minutes a day with Saa Taa Naa and Maa can increase the flow of blood to the brain, and thereby slow cell aging.  The procedure:

Breath deeply
Chant the Sanskrit words: Saa, Taa, Naa and Maa ("my devine self."
While moving your thumb to touch your index, middle, ring and pinkie fingers with each sound.

Healthful Diet "Limits"

Limit butter to one tablespoon per day
Limit cheese to less that one serving per week
Limit red meat to fewer than four meals per week
Limit fried and fast food to less that one serving per week
Limit sweets and pastries to fewer than five serevings every week

Follow this plan and get brain-boosting energy.

Tips for Mental and Pysical Health

Don't smoke
Keep your BMI under 25
Be physically active for at least 150 minutes a week
Keep your cholesterol under 200 mg/dl.
Keep your blood pressure under 120/80
Keep your blood sugar under 100
Eat a balanced diet of fruit, veggies and whole grains
Watch the salt
Watch the sweets

A Surprize

In 2012, an L.A. restaurant owner discovered that a neon light had been left on when it was walled over 77 years earlier.  He had paid over $17,000 in electric bills for that damnable light!

It depends..

Albert Einstein:  "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it's only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it's two hours.  That's relativity.


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