Hot as usual, but maybe we might experience a thunderstorm. We could use the rain. Elaine tells me that we have had 45 days of 90 plus degrees. I believe it. And our BGE energy bill reflects it.
Mr. Trump visits Mexico
Well, it happened, and Trump did not even get shot at. His Mexican lovers account for a grand total of 2% of the population. The Mexican President invited Donald and Hillary to meet with him... Hillary declined. Some folks in Mexico say that El Presidente took that action to deflect interest in some scandals that he is supposed to be involved it. In any event, an American reporter said that the two big guys seemed to act as friends, rather than enemies. We'll see. Donald gives an immigration speech tonight... should be interesting.
Meanwhile... Please! Please! obtain a copy of Yuge by Garry Troudeau. You will see that all that is going on is deja vu.
I had a nice talk with my son, Christopher. I love to talk with him because he has so much information to impart. God! I'm so lucky to have such a son!
Chris called to tell me to watch the new show with some famous old guys: William Shattner (84?!); George Foreman (you know... fists and grills); the Fonze (now what the hell is his name); that tall guy who claims to be a former quarterback... I don't believe it... at 6'3", he's too tall to be a quarterback. Anyway, these guys managed to destroy Tokyo, then Kyoto, then Hong Kong... next, I think they will be bugging Kim Yung Whatever in North Korea. It's a great show, Elaine and I laughed and laughed, while these guys set International relations back by decades. Watch it if you can!
George Foreman doesn't just have grills... he also has lots of kids.. George 2, George 3, George 4, George 5, George 6 (maybe more) and one of his girls is named Georgette. For years, everybody had a George Foreman grill. We did. And we used it every Sunday. I wonder what happened to it?
Asian Food
Why do markets in Asia all sell parts of animals that Americans do not ordinarily eat? Ovaries? Penises? Lungs? etc. Our American representatives went to a medicine store in Hong Kong and were offered lots of healthful things, like baby mice and cobras. Naturally, these things are not sold in McDonalds, and therefore will never be eaten by red-blooded American folks. No way!
I've read where cockroaches are wonderful sources of protein. But, I'm sorry, I'm still going to step on them. And spiders.
Growth Hormone
I read where McDonalds is going to eschew the serving of hamburgers that have come from cows injected with Growth Hormone. Of course, this will mean that the average American height will once again have to be adjusted. As I've mentioned before, at 5' 7" I was tall for a 12 year old. However, that was when hamburger joints started to serve the meat from cows injected with growth hormone. I was too poor to have any, so I stayed at 5'7". Meanwhile, my buddies pushed steroid modified food down their gullets and quickly made me a short person. So there you have it... the reason why I have to have my pants cut down, as well as having my photo ops taken with me standing on a box, just like Humphrey Bogart and Alan Ladd.
A Sign from God
Chuck Shephard reported in the Funny Paper for September 2016, the strange case of a Florida lady who saw a cross smudged on her infant's dirty diaper. "God, put the sign where he knew I'd see it."
Prior to this, a few people reported seeing Jesus in a rust stain on an abandoned refrigerator.
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