Saturday, August 6, 2016

Olympics; Flossing; Cargo Shorts; Barn Dance; Dumpster Pool; Illegal Trump Person?; Men in Silk; Pot Luck

90 degrees and muggy.  Big dark clouds, but no rain.

Ah.. Saturday... Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me and a couple of obscure (at least to me) operas on FM.  Elaine's Nurse Practitioner has cured her migraines... now for her bad cough.

Once again, lots to think about from WWDTM!


Oops.. they lost the key to the stadium.


Some dentists now state that flossing has no effect at all on the health of teeth.  This leaves us with the burning question:  "What do we do with all that floss?"  Maybe some ladies can use it to knit sweaters.

Cargo Shorts

The fashion gurus say that  Cargo Shorts are now a thing of the past and should be thrown away.  Now, be honest, have  you ever owned such items?  Maybe when you were 11 years old?  Who the hell wants to look at middle aged men's legs anyway?


A farmer in Quebec reports that "hipsters" have stolen all the walls of his barns.

Keeping cool in the City of Brotherly Love

To beat the stifling heat in Philadelphia, neighborhoods are opening fire hydrants and filling dumpsters to be used as swimming pools.  City fathers say: "No more permits for dumpster pool."  Perhaps these makeshift (and probably kind of smelly) swimming locations are just practice pools for the Rio Olympics.

Illegal Alien?

The New  York Post has posted nude photos of one of  Trump's wives.  Somehow the pictures cover some period of time when his wife entered the U. S. and it means she was an illegal alien.   (I'll have to get my NY Post fix this week and find out the facts.)

Sexy Boys

A new business is upon us.  I think they called it Menagerie and it is apparently the male version of
Victoria's Secrets. I'm doubt that silk panties will be very provocative on hairy old men.

Pot Luck

The Oregon State Fair  this year, will be giving blue ribbons for the best looking "pot-grown" pot plants. 


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