Raining again. Elaine and I braved the torrent and went to see Kim and get out haircuts.. two months late. Kim asked if I wanted to get a pony tail.
Music in my head today: "Again!" .. "This couldn't happen again...". "This is the once in a lifetime.. " or words to that effect. Pop tune from the 1950's I think. Why can't the composers of today come up with something that folks can relate to, and listen to and relax, instead of listening to that (in my opinion) crappy rap music.
Where is Mozart when we need him? Or Nat King Cole? Or George Gershwin? I think that our music has been going downhill since the 1960's and 1970's.. with few exceptions.
I'm still sorting out old notes and papers... as I come across items that I think might be of interest (at least to me), I'll blog'em here. Examples:
A Woman's Dictionary... actually Tips for Men
Somebody sent me this in 2002 (I have no record of who) and I think it bears repeating today. However, there is just so much that us men with our tiny brains can process at one time, so I will break the document down into four parts, with three "eye-openers" each:
1. "Fine"
This is the word that women use at the end of any argument when they feel they are right but can't stand to hear you argue any longer. It means that you should shut up. (Never use "fine" to describe how she looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments.)
2. "Five Minutes"
This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so women feel that it's an even trade.
3. "Nothing"
"Nothing" means "something" and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine."
Got it, guys? Stand by for some more "words" in future blog entries.
Plant Language?
The Week in 2012 reported that some British and Australian researchers have discovered that some plants communicate with one another by making sounds at frequencies that humans can't hear. Study author Monica Gagliano told the Daily Mail (U.K.) that the research may change the perception and action toward plants. Well.. I guess so! We should stop poisoning them and chopping them down hap-hazardly.
Something to Look For
I have a note that says to check out the final scene of Casablanca. It supposedly shows midgets as mechanics. ??
Baby Mama
I guess Janet Jackson was intrigued with the 70 year old lady who just had a baby, because she has announced that she will become a mother at the age of 50.
Boat Name
Let me clarify something that I talked about a few times recently. A contest was held to name a British polar research vessel. The winning name was "Boaty McBoatface" .. but, apparently, some high-level Admiralty folks thought that this was not dignified enough, so the ship will be christened "Sir David Attenborough" instead. But the name will live on, as the title of a support submarine.
Crook Names
The New York Post reports that a security company went through 30,000 arrest records and recorded the most common names of male criminals in the U.S.
Most likely to commit a crime: Juan or Jeremy
Most popular for robbery: Jeremy
Most popular for assault: Johnny.
Most popular for drugs: Randy
Most popular for murder: Alan
The top three names for women were: Tiffany, Samantha, and Kelly. All of whom get into fraud.
Greeters are coming back to WalMart!
Burning Question of the Day
If a giraffe can't talk, how does it subtly announce its presence in the room?
Burning Quote of the Day
The car next to me had a sign that said "Honk if you love Jesus." I honked, and the driver gave me the finger.
Quote from Ed Wynn at the Stagedoor Canteen
"When they saw who I was, they got right down on their knees. What an accolade! What a reception! What a crap game!"
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