Another overcast and rainy day, but a little warmer. I spent a couple of hours at Giant, getting our food supplies. The total of around $280 is a far cry from the under $100 I have usually spent. Inflation? Poor shopping? I don't know.
Music in my head: More Mozart
Ted Cruz and Governor Kasich have now dropped out of the Republican race for nomination and Mr. Trump looks like a "shoe in" when he gets to the convention... unless, of course, the RNC changes the rules to keep him out. Some of the current Republican Senators have said that they cannot support Trump and will vote for Clinton instead!
The crowd noise at a Trump rally reminds me of the sounds at Hitler's rallies in Germany before WWII. I keep waiting for the inevitable "Sieg Heil!."
Cinco de Mayo
I hear that Trump celebrated this day by eating a Taco. I think that he has one hell of a lot more to do before even one Latino votes for him. (I could be wrong.)
German Motto
The solution to a German word puzzle I solved today came out to be "Versuch ist keine Schande." A translation might be: "There is no shame in trying." Good advice.
Bag Lady
I may have mentioned this before, but Chuck Shepherd in the Funny Times reported a Manhattan Island legend. Sonia G., aged 60, has been pushing a block-long line of over 20 shopping carts. In the carts were bottles, cans, an air conditioner, a laundry hamper, shower curtain rods, shelves and wooden pallets. Mayor DiBlasio infringed on her rights and ordered city workers to junk everything not essential. In the end, she only had one cartful. (But don't sell her short.. she definitely will be back. She still has one cart, and she should be increasing her treasures very soon.
A Really Big Shoe!
Speaking of "shoe-ins," Chuck Shepherd also reports that's the Chinese have just finished building a church in the form of a shoe. It will be a wedding ceremony location and will not be used for religious service.
That reminds me.. between York and Hershey, Pennsylvania, there is a giant shoe, put up by a shoe manufacturer (I believe). I looked around and did not see a little old lady , but there certainly were a lot of children in attendance.
Presidential Ailments
Thomas G. Flagel writes in his book about the President's lives that the Presidents were just like us in the medical problems area. Some of their ailments and who had them follow:
Van Buren
Severe Tooth Decay
B. Harrison
(Washington's False Teeth can be viewed at Mount Vernon. I would have thought that Woodrow Wilson would have taken good care of his teeth, since he was an "egghead" kind of guy.)
(I would have expected all of our Presidents to have headaches.. based on all the tough things they have to do.)
.More Wit from Abraham Lincoln
Once, when Abe was talking to an old man, the old man said that the rebels and their sympathizers would retreat into the swamps and bayous where the Yankees could never get them.
Lincoln said: " ...We've got just the nets for traitors, in the bayous or anywhere."
Old Man: "Hey? What nets?"
Lincoln: "Bayou-nets!"
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