Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Granma; Cuba; Grieving Words; Loss Dreams; Weird Dream; Filene's Basement; Warren Buffett; Wamsutta Mills; La Familia

Another semi-rainy day.  We are going for some kind of record.  The Weatherman sez he have had 14 days in a row of rain... the record is 17.. and just happens to be in May also.  With all that, Maryland is still under the normal amount of rainfall for this time of the year.

Elaine is still ill, so I have been standing by to help her.

Music in my head today:  Unrecognized (unchained) melody.

Grandmotherly Confusion

Did you know, Elaine, that the Communist party newspaper in Cuba is called Granma!  I wonder why.  By the way, did you hear what a 6 year old said about his Grandmother?  ""Whenever Granma comes to visit, she pats me on my butt and says 'Well, bless your little heart!'"


My brother in law, Lennie died at age 63 in 2012, and the Funeral Home put out a card with the following message.  I don't know if Lennie picked it out, or someone picked it out for him., but I like these words:

Miss Me  - But Let Me Go...

When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom filled room, why cry for a soul set free.  Miss me a little - but let me go.  For this is a journey that we all must take, and each must go alone.  It is all part of the Master's plan, a step on the road to home.  When you are lonely and sick of heart, go to the friends we know, and bury your sorrows in doing good deeds,  Miss me -  but let me go.

Now, even if you don't think there is a Master who plans these things, you can still like this sentiment, in my opinion.

"Loss Dreams" while Grieving

I've written about this several times.  For many years after  my wife, Elaine, died in 2000, I had a series of dreams where she and I would go on trips together, and at some point in the dream, she would leave me to go see something somewhere else, and she did not come back.  And I could not find her.  I understand that many people experience such dreams after they lose a loved one.

The dreams were very real, and I would feel the loss greatly, and be depressed for some time afterwards. 

A Different Kind of Dream

I found some notes I wrote in 2010, about a vivid dream I had.

"I'm at a Weight Watchers meeting at the New Bedford YMCA.  The meeting is ending, so me and a large group of fat ladies get on a bus to Pakistan. On the way, our pet bears escape and we have to recapture them."

Now, what the hell is that all about, Doctor Jung?

Burning Business Question

Why is Filene's Basement located on the second floor?

Burning Business Advice from Warren Buffett

"When investors are greedy, I'm fearful.  When investors are fearful, I'm greedy."

Now, who can argue with one of the richest men in the U.S.  (Incidentally, Wamsutta Mills was located in New Bedfrord.)

A la Familia!

An 80 year old father calls his son:  "Son, your mother and I are getting divorced."  The son immediately calls his sister, who calls back to the father.  She excitedly says: "Don't do anything until we get there!"

The father hangs up and says to his wife:  "Well, mother, they're coming now for Thanksgiving. What'll we do for Christmas?"


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