Another overcast, sometimes rainy day, but not too cool.
I just got back from having my eye injection for macular degeneration, and my eye is a bit uncomfortable right now and I have to keep it closed. It'll get better soon.
Music in my head today: It's Mozart, but I can't place it right now.
This morning, I read the April 3rd, 2013 issue of The Week Magazine. I like to read old stuff and then compare it to the present. Sometimes that is weird and sometime it's ok.. Let's see.
A Sure Bet?
Joseph Mastropaolo, a retired California professor, believes that the creation story in Genesis is literally true. He was offering $10,000 to anyone who could prove in court that God did not create the world 6,000 years ago.
Professor Mastropaolo has a B.S., M.S., and a PhD in kinesiology and post-doctoral research fellowship in human physiology as Aerospace Physiologist for Douglas Space Systems, so I guess he knows something we don't. Incidentally, today in 2016, his offer of ten grand is still in effect. Apparently nobody has taken him up on it.
New Terrorist Ploy?
A Chinese fishmonger found a 3-pound live bomb within a squid that he was cutting up. The poor squid had to be moved to a secluded place and was blown up.
"Holy Minecraft, Batman! Squid Bombs!" I hope that Inky doesn't get involved.
No fair sniffing!
In 2013, the Supremes, by a 5 to 4 vote, decided that police could not bring a drug-sniffing dog onto a suspect's property without a warrant.
In Illinois v. Caballes, (2005) the Supreme Court ruled that police do not need reasonable suspicion to use drug dogs to sniff a vehicle during a legitimate traffic stop. And, in Rodriguez v. United States (2015), the court ruled that a stopped person does not have to wait for a policeman to find a drug dog and bring it to the car.
Bring 'em Back to Life!
National Geographic reported that "De-extinction" is under way.
o In Australia, scientists are trying to resurrect an extinct species of frog that gives birth through it's mouth. (Yuk!)
o Harvard scientists are trying to bring back the Passenger Pigeon. (In 2016, Ben Novak is heading an effort called "Revive and Restore." Using DNA from the stuffed remains of the birds in museums, he hopes to get those pigeons back to where they belong.)
o Russian scientists are trying to resurrect the wooly mammoth. (Also from DNA, which was taken from Mammoths who had the misfortune to freeze to death in Siberia.. and the good fortune to have been found by people who want to bring that species back to life.)
Apparently one of the most dangerous situations for men, was common in 2013. During the ten years before, more than 17,500 men (mostly) got their genitals caught in their pants zippers. In some instances, it even caused some gentiles to get circumcised. Researcher Singh Bagga of the University of California put out an urgent message to victims: "It's important once you get it out from the zipper that it's washed well, and you use a little antibiotic ointment." ( It might also be wise to wear underwear. The key is not to panic and do think twice about calling 911.)
Stemming a Revolution
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has finally canceled the "beer duty escalator" which was designed to hit the pocketbooks of every red-blooded Brit. This "escalator" increased beer taxes by 2% over inflation each and every year. The Brits were getting tired of this tax method and it's a good thing George canceled it, or "ale would run in the streets of London!"
Presidential Retirement Support
In 2012, the U.S. Government spent a total of $3.7 million to pay for pensions, office support, travel and postage for former Presidents. This does not include the cost of Secret Service protection.
W got the most money ($1.3 million), followed by Bill Clinton (just under $1 million).
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