Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Roy G. Biv; Yao Ming; Shoe Sizes; Jon Huntsman; Michele Bachmann; Same Sex Marriage; Evolution; Immigration; Onanism; Playboy Magazine; Crossword Clues

Overcast, but in the middle 60's. Not much sun, but ok.

Today's music in my head: Mozart rondo a la Turca (somewhat)

2011 Revisited via The Week Crossword

I try to finish all of the crossword puzzles I didn't have time to finish in an earlier time, so, today, I did a The Week puzzle dated July 15th, 2011.  Some of what I encountered and learned follows:

Rainbow Mnemonic

Roy G. Biv.   Red; Orange; Yellow; Green; Blue; Indigo; Violet

How Tall is Tall?

Former Houston Rockets basketball player, Yao Ming,  is 7' 6" tall.  Now that is tall!  I always read that Chinese people were short like me.  I guess I was completely wrong.  This poor man must be constantly hitting his head on door openings.  And, My God, what size shoe does he wear?  "18" 

But, guess what, that is not as large as Shaq's "22"   ... The retired Yao has a net worth of 65 million dollars.  Not bad for a Shanghai, China street kid.

Politics in 2011

Remember these guys who wanted to go toe to toe with President Obama in the 2012 election?

Jon Huntsman:  Former Governor of Utah (2005-2009) and Ambassador to China (2009-2011), threw his hat into the Republican ring in the middle of 2011.  He was 56 years old and a Mormon.. once his distant cousin, Mitt Romney, entered the race, he dropped out.  He seemed like a nice guy, who believed in Evolution and felt OK about Same Sex Marriage.  He would have made one hell of a better Republican candidate in 2016 than any of those clowns who tried.. or who are still trying as of this date.  (In my humble opinion)   

Michele Bachmann:  Minnesota State Office Holder (2001-2007) Member of the House of Representatives (2007-2015)  She was 55 years old in 2011 and eager to be the Republican nominee for President in 2012.  She dropped out of the race when she did lousy in the Iowa caucus.  She was a supporter of the Tea Party movement. She received a J.D. degree from Oral Roberts University and an LL.M. degree from William and Mary Law School.  She worked as an attorney for the IRS until she left to become a mother.

She and her husband have been providing gay conversion therapy for quite some time.  The couple also obtained Swiss citizenship for a while.

In contrast to Jon Huntsman, Mrs. Bachmann opposes Same Sex Marriage and Evolution.  Her views on many subjects seem to me to mirror that of both Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz.  Especially when it comes to immigration matters.  (In my humble opinion.)

Bible Stud y

According to Genesis, God slew Onan because he did not fulfill an order related to sex, and "spilled his seed" on the ground.  Even though the name "Onan" means "Strong,"  God apparently was much stronger.  But the story of Onan has been useful to the Catholic Church for years in discussions about  contraception. 

(Recently, a  prisoner filled suit against the Warden of his prison for not allowing him to subscribe to "Playboy" magazine.  He complained that he had a "masturbation disease," and viewing the ladies in Playboy kept him healthy.)

Crossword clues I like

o  Organization with many pet projects?  (SPCA)

o   Middle management concern?   (Diet)

o   Shopaholic's hangout  (Mall)

The puzzle  was constructed by Peter Gordon, famous puzzle expert.

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