Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Breakfast; Darwin; Lincoln; Lottes; Calculus; Kale; Viagra; Nantucket; Trump; New Bedford; Baby Granny Mama

Hey... we're still racing towards that record rainfall.. 15 days now.. the record is 17.  Let's see if we can beat it.

Dinah, the housekeeping cleaning lady worked at the house this morning, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and the house smells nice.  While she worked in the house, I worked in the garage.  I can almost see where I will have a cleaned up garage, even though there is quite a long way to go. I did find a lot of nice plant pots and used them to pot a few more of the plants that my daughter, Diane gave us. 

Elaine is still ill... but I think she is doing better each day.  When the sun comes back out, I'm sure all of us will feel better.

More Diet Stuff

I promised that I would talk about some of the diet tips that Venice Fulton mentions in his book: Six Weeks to OMG, and here is a "biggie!" 

Venice sez:  Skip breakfast!

He says that after a long sleep,  your brain has used up all of your energy and you are probably very hungry.  (So, if  you are like me, you fill a bowl with yummy berries and cereal, flood it with milk, and enjoy your break  fast.)  To take advantage of your hungry condition, do nothing.  Your body will fortify itself with belly fat....and supposedly, this is the way things went for lots of generations.  A cave man did not wake up to Lucky Charms!  He got up, did his chores, and then, later, he hunted for food to eat. 

OK.. I can see the logic in what Venice is saying, but I'm afraid I am going to have to ignore it.  I'm not a caveman and I enjoy filling my face in the morning.  I guess I'll just have to continue my evil ways.

Important Information

o  Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same date:  February 12, 1809.

o  Ad for a radiator shop:  Best Place to take a Leak!

o  Elaine Lottes invented "Spaghetti Eggs" in 2010.

o  Calculus is easy:  It consists of just two ideas:
            The derivative:  how fast things are changing.
             The integral:  a dynamic view of the static world.

o  Kal-A-Bits:  Kale and pot hybrid.

o  One cow can produce 100 pounds of manure in one day.  (?)

o  The Week Magazine reports that London scientists have found that Viagra may help stop the spread of Malaria by making the parasite "stiff," making it easier for the spleen to filter out the "invaders."

o  To get "fit" in Nantucket, one might be able to join a new fitness club, as long as one has the initiation fee of $129,000. 

o  Politico says that Donald Trump tells a lie ever 5 minutes.  (I had read earlier that he told a lie every twelve minutes.)

o   My old home town, New Bedford, Massachusetts is known for it's capable musicians.  To help illustrate this more, an ad for the sale of a house there said, in part:  "The residence is just a few minuets away from the Dartmouth Mall."

Baby Granny Mama

I heard on the radio yesterday that a 70 year old woman has given birth.  That reminds me of this exchange:

With all the new technology regarding fertility lately, a 65 year old friend of mine was able to give birth.  When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit.  "May I see the new baby?"  I asked.

"Not yet," she said.  "I'll make coffee and we can visit for a while first."

"Thirty minutes had passed, and I asked, "May I see the new baby now?"

"No, not yet," she said.

After another few minutes had elapsed, I asked again, "May I see the baby now?"

Growing very impatient, I asked, "Well, when can I see the baby?"

"WHEN HE CRIES!"  she told me.

"WHEN HE CRIES?"  I demanded.  "Why do I have to wait until he cries?"

"Because I forgot where I put him. OK?"


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