"Apre moi, le deluge!" Yes, it's raining cats and dogs.. I just stepped in a Poodle. (Bad joke!) But it has been raining very hard all day. The poor worms are trying to escape the flood and drying out and dying on our porch. And all kinds of soggy birds are attacking our feeders. Lots of stuff going on.
Today, Elaine and I visited the Baltimore Montessori School for "Grandfriends Day." It seems as though that day comes around quite quickly. Anyway, we visited Luka's classroom, where he showed us all the neat things he has been working on recently. At 4, going on 5, he sure knows one hell of a lot more about the world than I did at his age.
The school treated the Grandfriends to a meal of salads and fruit and pizza. Lots of calories. Santoni's deli in Glyndon, Maryland must have made a bundle off of this shindig. We were lucky, Lily was allowed to eat her lunch with us, and we were able to get a table right up next to where the entertainment was to be held. Lily was a lot smarter than we were.. she ate her Daddy-prepared lunch of ham and spinach leaves on multi-grain bread, followed by the seaweed triangles that she likes. So, she had the nutritious meal and we got the fat-inducing junk food (except for the salad of course.)
Lily and her class sang for us. Something that went: "Left, Right, Left, Right....we're marching to Spring... and it makes us sing..." or words to that effect. Very well done.
Next the older children sang a modified "Sweet Home Alabama".. it was called "Sweet Home Baltimore" and one line says "We'll be steamin' crabs for y'all." Very funny and nice.
Going from building to building, we got completely soaked. Luckily, it wasn't cold enough to bother us too much.
Later, we were supposed to go to a special supper. The food being served was Cuban style. Elaine called to find out if there was any garlic involved. What do you think? Everything but the dessert was filled with garlic, so, since Elaine would not be able to eat anything, we canceled out. Maybe next time there won't be so much garlic in the menu.
Here we go again!
Another shooting and more dead people are laying in a DC mall. When the hell are people going to learn? As the song go... "when will they ever learn?"
Keep cutting those taxes!
An "elderly" The Week Magazine reminds us of Grover Norquist. You remember Grover, right? He's an ultra conservative activist who runs "Americans for Tax Reform." Here are some things that are said about him:
o He once referred to bipartisanship as "date rape."
o He founded the Islamic Free Market Institute to encourage business with the Muslim world. Some question his stance, because he is married to a Palestinian Muslim.
o The Week quotes him: "My ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit, because that person doesn't need the goddamn government for anything."
o He once said that he hoped to shrink government until he could "drown it in a bathtub."
Grover is an interesting guy with a lot of power. I think that most Republican law-makers are scared to death of him. (I could be wrong.. but I don't think so.)
Those Brits!
I may have mentioned this before.. I do repeat myself.. but that's ok.. that's what old dudes do.
A new vessel was made for the British navy, and the government had a contest to get a name for the ship. The winner was... wait a minute... Boney McBoneface. How about that!
No clapping please!
The Week Magazine for July 15, 2011... yeah, I know... it's old news... anyway, it was reported that the Belarusian dictator made it a crime to applaud him or his troops and security force. He feared that the cheering and applause was just sarcasm, and he was right. Alexander Lukashenko learned that when he was informed that groups of people were protesting his fourth term as leader of the country, and were hanging around in front of the presidential palace laughing and smiling.
I remember years ago when I lived in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a story went around about a man of Portuguese extraction who was elected District Attorney. It was said that at a celebratory luncheon, the new DA was given a hearty round of applause. This made his father, who did not speak much English, very proud, and he stood up and said: "Thank you for giving my son the clap."
Surely that is not a true story... ?
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