Get that ark built! Another rainy day. I hope it is building a good aquifer as a buttress to any summer drought that we might be in line for.
I'm getting way behind in my chores... because, I have gotten caught up in the Netflix series called "Making a Murderer." As I watch it, my stomach juices churn. I won't tell you why. You need to watch it yourself. There are ten episodes. I'm on number seven and can't wait to see the last three.
If you want to know what it is all about, check out one of the latest People magazines.. they have a good write-up, and it was what got me interested.
It seemed as though every Sunday news program had Bernie Sanders as its guest. Old Bernie sure gets around. It was refreshing to hear him instead of Blowhard Donald. Mr. Trump was amusing for a while, but now that he is ready to be the Republican nominee, I'm afraid I must write him off (I know, who cares?)
Today, the guy who will lead the Libertarian Party spoke. Yes, they might be the only third party on the ballot. I can't think of his name... but, he is for abortion, and gun control, even though he is a hunter. Many people do not like Trump; many people do not like Hillary; many people like Bernie and may vote for a third party if he doesn't get selected.
In today's New York Times, there was a humorous piece which goes something like this.... I've been out of the country for a year and now you expect me to resume my editorial duties and check out your article for publication. Well, OK, but what you write is so fantastic nobody will believe it.
A nominee proposes building a giant wall to keep Mexicans out of the country, and Mexico will pay for it." That's just dumb. Got anything else?
"A nominee wants to ban all Moslems from entering the U.S." ... no, no, that's foolish.
"A nominee wants to deport 11 million illegal aliens.".. Look, come on.. nobody would be so dumb to suggest such a ridiculous idea. So.. I'm not going to let your article go through. Go out and bring me some real stuff.
Fishy Headline
The Week reports that the East Oregonian newspaper wrote about new pitcher, Pat Venditte. They said that's Pat, who can pitch with either arm deserved this headline: "Amphibious pitcher makes debut."
Wine Wisdom
Readers Digest writes that Adam Rapoport (Bon Appetit editor) gave out some great advice about wine drinking: I quote: "I have a problem about pontificating about gravelly undertones and raspberry overtones... Just order the bottle of wine you like."
Great advice. It bugs the hell out of me to hear people carry on about "saucy little wines" and such.
I've mentioned this before: A friend of mine who worked at the Social Security Administration with me used most of his paycheck to buy rare wine vintages (at least ones that his wine merchant recommended... such as Chateau Whatever). He would regale me with stories about how he and his wife would have a formal meal every night, where they consumed marvelous wines. He was truthful about buying rare and expensive wines, because he would give me the empty bottles so that I could fill them with my home-brewed concoctions.
However, as nice as his evening sessions were with his wife, it didn't stop her from running off with a neighbor. All that rare grape juice gone to waste. Poor bastard.
More dumb thieves.
The crooks who perpetrated a recent armed robbery in Los Angeles netted 35 cents!
How to beat the Draft
According to the latest Mental Floss magazine, in 1895, Eng Bunker was drafted to join the Union Army. The only problem was, Eng was one of conjoined twins. The other twin, Chang, had not yet been drafted. Neither of them went to war.
Eng and Chang were known as the original Siamese Twins and toured the U.S. as circus attractions. They, of course, were required to live in quite close quarters with each other, and even shared a bed with their wives.
My late wife and I once visited the famous place called Mayberry, North Carolina. (You remember, Barney Pfife and Opie.. and that great cop, Andy Griffith). In addition to information about Andy's show at a small museum, there is also information about Eng and Chang, who settled down in that area and raised a large family whose last name is Bunker. There still are many of their descendants living there.
My grandfather (the Senator) had a "den".. and on the walls he hung pictures of things and people that interested him. One set of pictures was of Eng and Chang, so I became acquainted with them and other so-called "freaks" from an early age. Probably, today, Eng and Chang could be surgically removed from each other with a minimum of effort... but this was a long time ago and surgeons did not want to try it... besides the "twins" made a lot of money being connected.
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